Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Lara Logan was sexually assaulted in Egypt, while reporting there. After celebrating an end to their 18 day revolution, dozens of Egyptian men brutally raped Lara (she won't say she was raped, but she probably was). I don't know why they would send a pretty white lady into the middle of jungle. Sounds retarded to me. Not her fault she was assaulted, but she will probably sue the shit out of CBS for sending her there. She'd probably win too, if she does.



  1. Dude that's fuckin' terrible, i dont blame her for not saying anything if she did.

  2. Those things happen in 2011. They send journalists in war zones and they care only for their news and nothing else.

  3. My friends from Egypt say that their culture is so sexually repressed that crimes like this happen often there and the female tourist at told to dress an certain way so that they do not get gang-raped in the street by hundreds of Egyptian males

  4. not saying their culture is bad I'm just saying its really repressed sexually (from my point of view) -I DO NOT MEAN TO PISS ANYONE OFF-

  5. That is so sad. Poor girl just trying to go her job. :(

  6. Journalist always seem to get themselves beaten up.

  7. So did they say specifically what happened to her besides "assault"? was she raped or not? have they confirmed or denied yet?

  8. She probably knew the risks when she was sent there, but then again I doubt they got her to sign a contract making rape part of the conditions.

  9. ^ made a valid point she obviously knew there were risks involved

  10. Turning into a fucking warzone man.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. wow thats just horrible...

  13. Damn that is horrible. If that was to happen to my wife I would slice all of those assholes! Damn I'm pissed now!

  14. Dammit and she's married too! WTF is up with people nowadays!

  15. Those people are enemies of humanity. I doubt they'll ever be found or brought to justice either.

  16. This is quite a messed up story. Thank you for sharing, or else I would not have known about this.


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