Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Lindsey Lohan stole a $2.500 necklace from an L.A. jewelry store. She is charged with grand larceny, and is scheduled to be arrested tomorrow at 1:30 P.M. If convicted she could spend time in California State Penitentiary. I think this is another of her publicity schemes. I think everything that happened to her in the last 3-4 years was a publicity scheme. She'll just spend some time in prison, with special privileges of course. (remember Martha Stewart?). She had a T.V. show inside the prison. This is going to be fun to watch.

Sources: TMZ


  1. why a celeb (well...its lohan so hardly a celeb) do some of the dumbest shit. publicity stunt or not...

  2. She will probably make a shit ton of money on this in the long run, it's not like she's poor enough to steal a necklace.

  3. You can tell she's getting desperate. She had her boobs out in Machete.

  4. Need popularity? Make a drama / steal something. As always celebs do. :>

  5. fall out of the spotlight, steal something make sex video = win


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